Group Kayeta Puja (Bratabandha) Ceremony by NOA

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Date(s) - 07/25/2015
All Day



Dear NOA Friends and Community Members,


We are pleased to announce that the Newah Organization of America (NOA) is organizing a Group Kayeta Puja (Bratabandha) Ceremony in Washington, DC Metropolitan area on Saturday, July 25, 2015. The traditional Kayeta Puja rituals will be performed by renowned Newah priest and scholar Mr. Basav Rajopadhyay.


NOA have been organizing a different Newah’s religious and cultural tradition holding various cultural and ritual programmes to serve and facilitate our increase number of community in the United States. NOA sponsors and organizes this event to provide families with access to a traditional Newah Kayeta Puja while helping minimize expenses and hardship in making the arrangements for ceremony.

Kayeta Puja is a unique and very important religious ceremony in the Newah community. It is a milestone in the life of young men; it is considered the beginning of manhood. We welcome your participation at this important milestone for boys in our Newah community.

Please complete the online form available at or contact any one of the following organizers to register a young man to be part of the ceremony.

Please stay tuned for full details. This promises to be another great way to bring our Newah community together. We hope you will join us.
Yekko subhaye and thank you!


The Executive Committee
Newah Organization of America

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