Nepal Earthquake, Recovery and Reconstruction seminar by GWDC-ASNEngr

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Date(s) - 06/20/2015
12:00 am

Patrick Henry Library

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A seminar on “Nepal Earthquake, Recovery and Reconstruction”

You are cordially invited to attenda seminar on “Nepal Earthquake, Recovery and Reconstruction” organized by the Greater Washington D.C. Chapter of American Society of Nepalese Engineers (GWDC-ASNEngr).

This program is organized to share experience from Virginia Task Force (VA-TF1) and National Society for Earthquake Technology (NSET), Nepal. The presentation will be followed by a discussion on recovery efforts and plans for reconstruction for future Nepal.

Tentative Program
9:00 AM:     Introduction
9:30 AM:     Introduction toASNEngr activities
9:40 AM:     Presentation by NSET on Earthquake Resistant Technology and Disaster Preparedness
10:30 AM:     Presentation on rescue operation by VA-TF1 Members
11:20 AM:     Current Recovery Efforts and Future Reconstruction ofNepal
12:30 PM:     End of Program

All professionals and general public are invited in this important and free event. The program will be held in following time and venue.

Time:      9:00 AM – 12:30 PM on Saturday June 20, 2015
Venue –     Patrick Henry Library
101 Maple Avenue East
Vienna, VA 22180
